Saturday, February 22, 2014

Athletic Dreamer

It's the weekend, right?  Not for my mind.  I think about school with every stroke of the mop, broom, or dust rag, and right now, I'm thinking about my athletic students who have goals to someday be in the NFL or NBA- goals that include a college scholarship, but not as a scholar but as an athlete.

These students concern me.  Yes, they are amazing to watch in any capacity but, as good of students as they are, I'm afraid we are losing them to their dreams.  Dreams of someone saying "come play for me." 

I think  dreams are a great thing.  We would be no where without our dreams, but I wonder with these dreams, do they understand the importance of their education.  The importance of the education they receive now in fifth and sixth grade.  How that education is important to their future.  How they need to learn what we are teaching now to make the next grade level go smoother.  How becoming a great student and an individual of good character is important to college recruiters.

Sure, scholarships are 6 to 7 years away, but if you let your education slip away now, what coach is going to want that athlete?  Aren't college coaches looking for students who can make the grades as well as an athlete?  Isn't a college coach looking at the character of these individuals and if they have learned how to behave as well as how to treat others.

I would love to hear a college coach direct a mini press conference to these kids.  These kids with these dreams of playing ball.  I'd love to hear them say "work hard both on the field and off the field, on the court and off the court.  Keep your record clean and make friends and not enemies.  Apply yourself as a student and as the army says, 'Be all you can be.' Then, maybe I will come knocking on your door to be part of my team."   Wouldn't that be nice to hear from these individuals who these young kids look up to?  These individuals-who they someday hope-Come knocking on their door.

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