Thursday, November 7, 2013

Leslie Intermediate-Advancing against age

I am very proud to work with a group of people who see the importance of moving forward and grasping the age of technology.  As I look at the age of our staff, there are many reasons we should fail at implementing web 2.0, submitting assignments digitally, using I-pads, and other technological gadgets.  I mean let's face it.  We are not young!  We have not grown up with these gadgets!  But that is not hindering us.  I see my teachers daily implementing new methods of teaching.  No longer are the students sitting in rows just listening.  They are doing and they are doing it together.  These not so young teachers are grabbing technology by the horns and moving forward.  They understand the importance of the change we must embrace.  They see that for kids to be successful, we can't do things the same old way. 

I am very excited that our students are learning to collaborate using Google docs and learning to present projects using WeVideo, I-movie, and Prezi.  These students are ready to take these activities and put them to work.     I see Interwrite boards in action as well as netbooks for not only submitting assignments but "flipping" the classroom.    I look forward to next week when we start blogging with the fifth grade and hopefully move on to the sixth grade.  Our students are gaining knowledge that other schools dream about their students learning.

With all the new pressures teachers face today, TESS, Common Core Standards, embracing technology, tons of paperwork, it is difficult to be a passionate teacher.  But passion is what I see thrive at our school.  Parents may not understand the lack of a textbook or the grading of a project by a rubric  but we are moving forward.  We are striving to make our students College and Career Ready.

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